Private lessons

Why to take private lessons?

The answer is simple – to improve at the game we love!

Golf is complex game that is very difficult to learn on your own. It can be frustrating to stand over the ball before swinging and worry whether the ball will fly straight. Golf is a much more enjoyable game when the flight of the ball is controlled and travels towards the intended target.

Who should take private lessons?

Every golfer who wants to become better should take private lessons. A beginner should realize the importance of a proper foundation as her or she begins the process of learning the game.

After deciding to take private lessons, golfers should make it a goal to practice independently between lessons.

Book a time!

Rein Auväärt,

+372 516 5753,

  • Languages: Estonian, Russian, Finnish
  • 60 min, 1 person 75 €
  • 60 min, 2 persons 100 €
  • 60 min, 3 persons 150 €

Play with a Pro, 1 h

  • Up to 3 holes 70 €

Summer indoor lessons

Maxime Chardon,

+372 5810 7909

  • Languages: French, English
  • 60 min, 1 person 85 €
  • 5 × 60 min package 400 €
  • 10 × 60 min package 750 €

Play with a Pro, 2,5 h

  • With EGCC playing rights 75 €
  • Without EGCC playing rights 124 €

Cristofer Herman,

  • Languages: Estonian, English
  • 60 min, 1 person 60 €

Martin Toom,

+372 5809 5617

  • Languages: Estonian, English
  • 60 min, 1 person 60 €

Jan Larsson,
PGA assistant Pro

+372 5334 1414

  • Languages: swedish, english, russian
  • 60 min, 1 person 60 €

NB! Only those golf pros who have a written agreement with Jõelähtme Golf Academy have the right to give private lessons at the Estonian Golf & Country Club.


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