

New Rules of Golf 2023 App

Alates 1. jaanuarist 2023 hakkasid kehtima uued golfireeglid, teatas Eesti Golfi Liit. Esmakordselt ei ilmu uut eestikeelset golfireeglite raamatut, sest nüüd on reeglid saadaval R&A eestikeelses golfiäpis.

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Michelin Stars have come to Estonia

The Michelin Guide – the most internationally renowned and prestigious restaurant recognition system – has arrived in Estonia, the first of the Baltic states.

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The Birdie Tree 2022 is being sponsored by Coca-Cola

The Birdie Tree is being sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company in 2022. The lucky winners will be announced every month and at the end of the season.

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